Welcome to Christ Church Central

Our mission is to take the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to people in Sheffield who don’t yet know him – to be “a church for people who don’t go to church.” We aim to be an authentic church – a spiritual family of people committed to Jesus and to one another. 

Millions of people believe that Jesus Christ is good for you. He once said, "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10v10). The next thing he said was this, "I am the good shepherd. the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10v11) Our abundant life won by his abandoned life. How?

If I said to my wife, "I love you so much I'll throw myself in the River Don to prove it," that would only demonstrate my foolishness. (Our wedding anniversary is April Fools Day!) True acts of love achieve something.

Jesus abandoned his life, his death on the cross saved us from the brokenness of our relationship with God. Forgiveness for the past, welcome into his humbly confident family and hope for the future all become ours. Jesus really is good for you. Come and join us and find out more.

Tim Davies, Minister

What's coming up

Bible Talks

28 July 2024 6:00pm

The Lord Loves

Series: Psalms – The Lord

Passage: Psalm 13

4 August 2024 10:30am

The Lord Looks

Series: Psalms – The Lord

Passage: Psalm 14

11 August 2024 10:30am

The Lord Cleanses

Series: Psalms – The Lord

Passage: Psalm 15

18 August 2024 10:30am

The Lord Preserves

Series: Psalms – The Lord

Passage: Psalm 16

See all bible talks


Welcome to Christ Church Central